Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Equifax Breach & Your Credit Union

The Equifax Breach and Your Credit Union

In a commentary article posted on American Banker (formerly the CU Journal), our CEO, Richard Gallagher discusses how important cybersecurity is for credit unions or anyone in the financial industry. Specifically, he looked at the Equifax breach and your credit union as far as how it can be affected by this breach and similar exploits.

The world of identity theft shifted a bit on Sept. 7, when news broke that hackers had infiltrated the Equifax consumer database. It’s estimated that somewhere around 143 million consumers were affected. This means vital information like names, dates of birth, social security numbers, and credit card information could potentially be up for grabs. And while it’s sobering to think that all of this data could be sold to the highest bidder, the response by Equifax seemed to further complicate the matter.

The website, www.equifaxsecurity2017.com, was set up by the credit bureau to assist consumers with ascertaining whether or not their information had been compromised. However, the official Equifax corporate Twitter account redirected consumers to a fake phishing site for a while before the tweets were noticed and removed. Once the mistake was realized by Equifax, the phishing site was taken down. It was a step by an engineer to bring perspective to the issue of just how dangerous and unnerving the security breach is.

Richard Gallagher

To read more about cybersecurity and your credit union go check out the American Banker article and then check out our compliant lending documents for your credit union.

(note: this is an older blog entry and has been edited since originally posted.)

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