Thursday, October 8, 2020

Taking that Extra Step

Humanitarian Highlight 10/8/2020 | Taking that Extra Step

Humanitarian Highlight 10/8/2020

Welcome back, credit union family! How has everyone’s week been going so far? In today’s #HumanitarianHighlight we mentioned a few credit unions that took that extra stride in making sure the members of their community feel safe and heard. If you know of a credit union that has positively impacted their community, tag us and let us know so we can give them a shoutout! Taking that extra step isn’t hard, especially when you have humanitarians ready to help.

American Heritage Credit Union

Helping creating a #CUdifference, American Heritage CU raised $8,338 AND donated 2,284 books from their Books For Kids program!

Want to become a Book Buddy? Call their branch 215.969.0777 for more information!

Wright-Patt Credit Union

WOW! Wright-Patt Credit Union’s Sunshine Community Fund raised well over $260,000 from October 2019 to June 2020!

“An $80,000 check was presented to each of their most recent Sunshine Community Champions – Dayton Children’s Hospital and Rebuilding Together Dayton. The remaining $100,000 will go back into the Fund to help support additional community efforts throughout the year. Since 2013, the Sunshine Community Fund has contributed over $2 million to local nonprofit organizations.  WPCU held a virtual check presentation to celebrate this milestone while maintaining safe social distancing.

‘Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, WPCU has been working hard to help our members and the communities we serve to build strength,’ said Tracy A. Szarzi-Fors, Wright-Patt Credit Union’s Vice President of Marketing and Business Development. ‘We’re proud to continue supporting local nonprofits that make such a big impact in people’s lives like Dayton Children’s Hospital and Rebuilding Together Dayton.’” Wright-Patt Credit Union

Click HERE to read more!

Great Northwest Federal Credit Union

From the hiatus of the pandemic, a ton of events and meetups had to be canceled due to health reasons. At the end of July, Relay for Life of Grays Harbor hosted a drive-thru event, and with such a generous credit union, Great Northwest FCU participated and donated $5,600!

Georgia United Credit Union

During one of the random acts of kindness stops, Georgia United CU delivered snacks to the faculty and staff from the University of North Georgia!

TwinStar Credit Union

Nothing is ever going to get in the way of this crew! TwinStar CU’s Relay For Life Committee is not letting COVID get in the way of helping out their community. Even with the pandemic, the committee raised an astounding amount of $15,657 to be donated to Relay For Life of Thurston County!

Click HERE to read about their virtual events!

Click HERE to learn about Relay For Life!

Del-One Federal Credit Union

Continuing to show their #CUdifference, this year Del-One FCU donated to 37 organizations while also celebrating 60 years of service!

Click HERE to see what types of positive deeds Del-One FCU has been involved in the past.

Frontwave Credit Union

Let’s give a big round of applause to Frontwave CU for being honored with 6 MAC Awards for excellence in marketing from the Marketing Association of Credit Unions.

“‘It’s an honor to be recognized among our peers who all do such incredible work in the industry. Frontwave has made great strides with our new brand and elevating market awareness, affinity, member loyalty, and penetration in a highly competitive market,’ said Todd Kern, Chief Marketing Officer for Frontwave Credit Union.” CUtoday

CU Forward Day 2020

The annual celebration is happening on Monday, October 12, 2020!

What is CU Forward Day about? This is a statewide day for all Minnesota credit unions to help spread kindness throughout their communities.

“Last year, a total of 58 credit unions and organizations dedicated over 20,000 hours of service to the community as a collective whole with 4,000+ volunteers. The concept spread outside of Minnesota across our nation, as well, with the Illinois Credit Union League launching CU Kind Day, a credit union-driven kindness day, and Mississippi credit unions piloting a giveback day through their young professional’s group, LEAD.” Minnesota Credit Union Network

Click HERE to learn more!

Thank you for reading this Humanitarian Highlight! Please check out last week’s post, and please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions about our products & services through our email or by phone (800) 537-9598, especially if your credit union needs the best lending documents!

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