Monday, November 30, 2020

Fintech Friction

Fintech Friction

Originated in 1866, Fintech came about when the very first transatlantic cable was laid. From 1950-1990, five decades of financial technological developments came with having to do with credit cards, ATMs, trading, computers, and data systems. As years went on and technology started becoming more advanced, new developments came along to help banks stay up to date with the new changes. When systems are not planned it can create some fintech friction.

In today’s world, it is imperative to have a system that is up to date (made necessary by advancing technologies that are becoming easier for users to navigate), and a system with fewer clicks, known as a “3-click rule.” A huge consideration when taking on the role of making sure that everything is running smoothly is to ensure that the system is performing in a fast and efficient manner. When people are trying to browse through an application on their phones and the application is difficult to maneuver, they will likely get frustrated and click out of the app, or they may even delete it. We need to remember that today we tend to get impatient when an application or web browser takes more than a few seconds to load correctly. This has to do with how technology advancements are conditioning us to have “unrealistic” time-slot expectations.

A Forbes blog states, “Waiting doesn’t seem effortful, but it is still friction. Even a short wait may prevent the desired action. Waiting adds uncertainty and increases anxiety when the exact delay is unknown. Given an arrival window of “8 AM to 4 PM” for the cable repair person, how do you feel at 3 PM when they have yet to arrive?” Talking business, when customers are scrolling through their accounts or a forms document, they are expecting the process to be fast and easy. Our daily schedules are hectic, and if we have to spend 20 minutes on a forms application, then we may rethink the task we were planning on completing. Not only is having top-of-the-line technology important for your credit union, but it also allows for your institution to provide easy access to all of the products and services you offer your members. Members are accessing apps with a certain goal in mind, or they could just be curious about the credit union. Making sure the app or website is efficient, clean, put together, and up to date will allow for great satisfaction and an awesome customer experience.

Looking deeper into this topic, there are many different mortgage companies supposedly “taking power” from other financial institutions. Whoever is in need of a loan should research to see which company provides the most benefit, who will pay more attention to each potential member walking through the business’s doors, and what goals are their members or potential members trying to achieve. Some things a financial institution needs to think about before a member applies for a loan: Is the loan process long? What kind of information will be requested? How will the credit union provide information (over the phone or in-person)? All of these questions need to be thought through. Credit unions make the process easy, efficient, and fast. Staff members care about every single person who walks through the company’s doors. With a smaller pool of members than other financial institutions (due to field of membership requirements), customer service and customer satisfaction is a huge responsibility for every staff member. Providing the best loans for their members and having someone on the phone and in-person to chat about any questions or concerns will always be a guarantee.

When it comes to banks and mortgage companies, their pool of members is very wide. This can and will result in not paying enough attention to each member’s needs, and the bank will try to get their money back from the loan as fast as possible. Interest rates are a major factor of getting their money back AND making a profit, [sic] “A “nonbank” can be seen as a financial intermediary. Instead of depositors, a nonbank gets its funds from investors, debt (via bond sales), or by borrowing from commercial banks. It takes that money and loans it to borrowers. The fees and interest collected — as well as principal repayments — are then used to repay the capital with interest.” The Simple Dollar

Oak Tree Business Systems, Inc. has been in the credit union industry for over 37 years. We have developed, supported, and maintained lending/operational documents for credit unions in over 50 states, including Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Not only are we efficient, but we work with you to create forms that accommodate your credit union’s technology objectives and facilitate a smooth workflow. These documents are easy to use, are specifically designed to match your credit union’s policies and procedures, and work hand in hand with your data/loan processing system. Our compliant forms and marketing services are at the top of the credit union game. Oak Tree wants your credit union to feel secure in the forms you provide your members, so please let us know how we can help! Let’s avoid the fintech friction.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Credit Union Information Governance

Is Information Governance Important to Credit Unions?

Is Information Governance Important to Credit Unions?

What do you know of credit union information governance? Nothing is more important to a credit union than compliance, and one of the biggest components to this is information governance. This term may not be so familiar to those outside of the financial sectors or corporate cultures, but it is something that has become more important with each passing day. Every company, especially credit unions, must contend with a myriad of ever-changing laws, compliance issues, competition, economic uncertainty, and the malicious hackers and criminals that are always a danger to their assets, which contributes to growing concern. Information governance is nothing more than the protocols put in place for any organization to keep its information secure, yet usable. It is being meticulous and disciplined in the collection, management, and output of any information or data in a corporation.

As more credit unions expand their use of fintech, we see a need for them to also bolster their practice of information governance. This has led to the growing need to be more careful with the bulk of data that has been collected. Especially as more states and even the federal government have begun to craft new regulations and controls on how such data can be used, how it must be curated or stored, and of course how to handle the liability issues if an organization is breached. Then there are also the resources used to collect, store, and safeguard this data as a cost to the corporation in comparison to the lifecycle of its usefulness or reliability.

Credit Union Liability Issues

Besides liability issues or the need to stay compliant, we have also seen that when credit unions craft and implement more stringent and careful protocols for their information governance it comes back to that very important shareholder – the member. Protecting the information on your members is also about protecting them from fraud and other abuse. It gives them confidence in your institution when they know that their information can be trusted with your credit union. This is just one more way to build that goodwill and reputation that helps every company survive through the most severe of situations.

There are many instances where it may seem that the data you have is at risk, and this can be very true when dealing with vendors. Oak Tree has been a trusted vendor and we completely understand and respect the need for such controls on sensitive data. Staying compliant doesn’t just mean being aware of the law, it is meant to protect all of us and allow us to feel accommodated.

Oak Tree Business Systems has been in the credit union industry for over 37 years, so we can say that we are confident, and encourage all credit unions to use our forms. We comply with both state and federal standards, meet the expectations of each credit union’s members and staff, work on each credit union’s data processing system (and within their policies), and have an effective compliant forms system.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

ITIN Lending & Compliance

ITIN Lending and Credit Union Compliance

Cutting Through the Fog

In a Credit Union Times Expert Opinion Column, “ITIN Lending & Compliance: Cutting Through the Fog,” Oak Tree`s CEO talks about ITIN lending, and how it represents growth opportunities for credit unions. Here is an excerpt from the article about ITIN Lending & Compliance:

” ITIN lending represents a solid marketing demographic for credit unions. Is your credit union taking full advantage of it? If not, you should be. Here’s why. The Filene Research Institute recently concluded its incubator loan project in December 2017, with ITIN lending being the most popular segment of the experiment.

The program introduced the following five loan packages to immigrants/minorities:

  • Automobile refinance loans
  • QCash small-dollar loans
  • Micro-finance small business loans (community-based)
  • Payday payoff installment loans
  • ITIN lending

To make these loans possible, credit unions used targeted data mining and alternative relationship factors in addition to credit scores, alternative data, and ITIN numbers rather than Social Security numbers as a basis for identification. And while this segment does carry risk, it can be measured. Plus, the numbers speak for themselves.”

To continue reading about ITIN Lending & Compliance, head over to Credit Union Times website HERE.

Oak Tree has been a leading provider of credit union forms and disclosures for over 37 years. Contact us for information regarding our forms or marketing services.

Fall Into Good Fortune

Humanitarian Highlight 11.19.2020

Happy Thursday, everyone! How are you all doing today? Today’s #HumanitarianHighlight shows the many remarkable actions that credit unions have taken to help out their communities in any way possible. Even during a pandemic, many credit union staff and members have taken a stand to check up on their local businesses, helping them out, making sure different organizations still have food to hand out to people in need, etc. When looking at all the acts the credit union community has done, it truly brings a tear to our eyes to see that they all are trying to help each other out. That is why we love the #CUfamily so much! If you know of a credit union that has positively impacted their community, tag us and let us know so we can give them a shoutout! Time to fall into good fortune for those in the CUcommunity.

DuPage Credit Union

Not only does DuPage CU care for their members, but they also have the biggest hearts in caring for the community around them! During their shred & electronic recycling event, the credit union was able to collect 12 pounds of paper and 12 pallet boxes of electronics!

So, what does that equate to?

(Information is taken from DuPage Credit Union’s Facebook post)

  • 101 Trees SAVED
  • 41,625 Gallons of Water SAVED
  • 24,380 Kilowatts of Energy SAVED
  • 357 Pounds of Pollutants kept from the Atmosphere
  • 29.7 Cubic Yards of a Landfill SAVED

Clearview Federal Credit Union

Let’s give Clearview FCU a round of applause for their hard work and determination in ensuring that everyone in their community is taken care of. During their Virtual Clearview Cares Day, employees from the credit union donated to their partners, Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, and Westmoreland County Food Bank! The total amount raised by the staff and the organization match came out to $2,950! Their 2020 fundraising total has now reached $12,000, which then equals 60,000 meals! Absolutely incredible, #CUfamily!

Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank: “We exist simply because people in our community struggle with meeting a basic human need—having enough to eat. The mission of Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank is to feed people in need and mobilize our community to eliminate hunger.  But we can’t do it alone.”


Westmoreland County Food Bank: [sic]“By acquiring food through local donations and government food assistance programs (State Food Purchase Program and The Emergency Food Assistance Program) WCFB serves the community in several ways…


  • We provide food to meal programs, soup kitchens, food pantries, emergency shelters, and child care programs
  • We provide the means for donors to put their food to good use while gaining tax credits
  • We keep perfectly good food that can’t be sold (because of damaged packaging or a close code date) from becoming garbage in landfills
  • We believe that by pooling together all of the community resources, we can make a significant difference in the fight against hunger.”


OE Federal Credit Union

Not letting the pandemic stop them from supporting their community, OE FCU’s employees went by the Elko Firefighters Association with care packages containing handcrafted blankets to help keep the firefighters warm!

Greater Fox Cities Chapter of Credit Unions

This just brought a huge smile to our faces! In their partnership with Feeding America, the Greater Fox Cities Chapter of Credit Unions had a Stock the Shelves drive-thru event, and from all of their donations, 20,149 meals were raised for families who have been struggling with putting food on the table for their families. Remarkable job, everyone!

Feeding America: “The Feeding America network is the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization, working to connect people with food and end hunger. Donors, staff, and volunteers all play an important role in our efforts to end hunger in the United States.”


PCM Credit Union

Back in September, PCM held their 6th Annual Christmas in-July-September Golf Outing for Children’s Miracle Network! With the help of 60 golfers and 19 sponsors, the total amount raised went well over $19,000 which will all go to local children in need.

Sunova Credit Union

The incredible staff and members from Sunova CU raised $3,970, which equals 397 meals to be donated to Made with Love! The donation will provide for people throughout Winnipeg who are in need of meals.

Dirigo Federal Credit Union

Through their Our Seeds of Hope Project, Dirigo FCU donated to 5 different nursing homes that were in need of many items. The credit union was very pleased to take 10 bird feeders to the residents and staff of Marshwood Center!

Thank you for reading this Humanitarian Highlight! Please check out last week’s post, and please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions about our products & services through our email or by phone (800) 537-9598.

Friday, November 13, 2020

World Kindness Week

When it comes to compliant forms and disclosures for credit unions, there is Oak Tree Business Systems, Inc. For more than 37 years, we have been the ones supplying the best forms for credit unions from membership documents to the forms for all lending needs. It is World Kindness Week 2020!

When it comes to building a community, there are credit unions, who are always finding ways to show the #CUDifference and helping people open their eyes to a credit union with their many humanitarian efforts.

Let’s celebrate World Kindness Day and the #creditunions that know how vital such kindness is! Since 1998 this holiday has spread across the globe. From a day to a week we know celebrate every November a chance to unite under a united flag of kindness.

There are so many wonderful ways to celebrate this week. You can write random notes of kindness for others, even strangers. Help do errands for those in need. Cook a meal for a loved one. Even a hug is enough to show others that you care. It doesn’t have to be a huge action to show a little concern.

To see some great #HumanitarianHighlights where credit unions donate time, money, and other resources to help spread kindness every day you need to go to our Credit Union Blog! Did you do anything for World Kindness Week 2020?

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Season of Giving

Humanitarian Highlight 11.12.20

Happy Humanitarian Highlight Day everyone! We’re only one day away from Friday, so hang in there! We hope you all enjoy your weekend, and most of all we hope you enjoy reading all the amazing deeds our #CUfamily has been up to lately! If you know of a credit union that has positively impacted their community, tag us and let us know so we can give them a shoutout! It is truly the season of giving in the credit union community.

Mid Oregon Credit Union

Mid Oregon Credit Union was recognized by the Credit Union National Association and honored with the Alphonse Desjardins Youth and Adult Financial Education Award. They received the award for their Bite of Reality program, which teaches high school students about budgeting and money management. Awesome job, Mid Oregon CU!

Sunova Credit Union

This past October, Sunova members, and staff raised a grand total of $3,970 for the Made with Love program, which provides meals for those in need. The total equaled 397 meals for people throughout Winnipeg!

City & County Credit Union

This past month, City & County Credit Union was on a “People Helping People” mission and was able to make donations and volunteer for various programs. They made 440 snack packs for We Can Ride, Inc., 330 senior care bags for Help At Your Door, 26 tie blankets for the Ronald McDonald House, and beautified 2 local parks! Wow, what an achievement! Meridian Credit Union

Meridian Credit Union pledged to triple any donations made to one of two great organizations, including Food4Kids and helping those in need during COVID-19! This was part of their Donation Match Program!

In support of the Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, Fibre Federal Credit Union pledged to match any donations made as part of their Credit Unions for Kids mission! To learn more about our Credit Unions for Kids mission, visit…/news…/cu4kids-doernbecher-days.

United Federal Credit Union

As a commitment to both their members and communities, United Federal Credit Union stopped by the Women & Children’s Center of the Sierra with a donation check of $1,000! United FCU was extremely excited to support this organization that helps women rise out of poverty.

Hometown Credit Union

Hometown Credit Union held a “Miracle Jeans Week” for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and was able to raise over $700 with the help of their community!

Thank you for reading this Humanitarian Highlight! Please check out last week’s post, and please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions about our products & services through our email or by phone (800) 537-9598.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

CUs in the Limelight

Humanitarian Highlight 11/5/2020

Another #HumanitarianHighlight is here, and we are so pleased the day has finally come! Have you ever wondered what more you can do to help create a difference within the community? Sometimes thinking outside of the box can be very beneficial to those in need. If you know a credit union that has gone above and beyond in making a #CUdifference, use our hashtag #HumanitarianHighlight to let us know about it, so we can give them a shout-out! Now on to the CUs in the limelight.

American Southwest Credit Union

American Southwest CU has donated $10,000 to the Chiricahua Community Health Foundation in an effort to help with COVID relief and vaccines!

Black Hills Federal Credit Union

We first want to start by saying, WOW! Black Hills FCU took the time to sew 300 masks to be given in partnership with Masks for Rapid City, who will then distribute the masks to elementary school students from Rapid City Area Schools!

Eagle Community Credit Union

This incredible credit union announced 4 of their 2020 scholarship winners and awarded them $4,000 each to put toward their college expenses! Congratulations to all!

ORNL Federal Credit Union

The employees of the Bearden Branch of ORNL FCU took the time to collect non-perishable food items to be donated to the Blessing Box at the Bearden United Methodist Church. The Bearden Blessing box is a cabinet placed outside of the church to help those who are in need of non-perishable items. Thank you to all who took the time to donate and create a difference in someone’s life!

Community 1st Credit Union

In September, the Community 1st Credit Union Foundation was able to award $25,000 to the Jefferson Co. Kids Early Childhood Learning Center in an effort to help with the capital campaign to build a new facility for additional childcare spaces and resources.

“We understand and fully support the impact this new Early Childhood Learning Center will have in Fairfield and Jefferson County.” says Greg Hanshaw, CEO of Community 1st Credit Union, “Partnering with local organizations to promote community betterment is really what our credit union philosophy of ‘People Helping People’ is all about. We look forward to watching this project unfold soon.” KTVO

ELGA Credit Union

Congratulations to ELGA CU for raising funds through their annual Ginormous Tent Sale. The total donation came out to $2,500! The money will be helping and supporting Catholic Charities’ three soup kitchens, and counseling programs.

“This annual sale couldn’t happen without the support of ELGA associates and our community volunteers,” said ELGA CEO Karen Church. “It’s truly a miracle to see so many different organizations come together to make this sale happen. This was our fifth sale, and all together we’ve raised more than $85,000 to benefit the programs at Catholic Charities.” The Davison Index

First Basin Credit Union

Caring about their community, the First Basin team was up early to help clean the community around them. They were able to pick up many bags of trash! Way to go #CUfamily!

Thank you for reading this Humanitarian Highlight! Please check out last week’s post, and please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions about our products & services through our email or by phone (800) 537-9598.

Strength to Overcome

Humanitarian Highlight 8.12.21 This week, our focus for Humanitarian Highlight is on credit unions who are giving their community the streng...