Thursday, November 5, 2020

CUs in the Limelight

Humanitarian Highlight 11/5/2020

Another #HumanitarianHighlight is here, and we are so pleased the day has finally come! Have you ever wondered what more you can do to help create a difference within the community? Sometimes thinking outside of the box can be very beneficial to those in need. If you know a credit union that has gone above and beyond in making a #CUdifference, use our hashtag #HumanitarianHighlight to let us know about it, so we can give them a shout-out! Now on to the CUs in the limelight.

American Southwest Credit Union

American Southwest CU has donated $10,000 to the Chiricahua Community Health Foundation in an effort to help with COVID relief and vaccines!

Black Hills Federal Credit Union

We first want to start by saying, WOW! Black Hills FCU took the time to sew 300 masks to be given in partnership with Masks for Rapid City, who will then distribute the masks to elementary school students from Rapid City Area Schools!

Eagle Community Credit Union

This incredible credit union announced 4 of their 2020 scholarship winners and awarded them $4,000 each to put toward their college expenses! Congratulations to all!

ORNL Federal Credit Union

The employees of the Bearden Branch of ORNL FCU took the time to collect non-perishable food items to be donated to the Blessing Box at the Bearden United Methodist Church. The Bearden Blessing box is a cabinet placed outside of the church to help those who are in need of non-perishable items. Thank you to all who took the time to donate and create a difference in someone’s life!

Community 1st Credit Union

In September, the Community 1st Credit Union Foundation was able to award $25,000 to the Jefferson Co. Kids Early Childhood Learning Center in an effort to help with the capital campaign to build a new facility for additional childcare spaces and resources.

“We understand and fully support the impact this new Early Childhood Learning Center will have in Fairfield and Jefferson County.” says Greg Hanshaw, CEO of Community 1st Credit Union, “Partnering with local organizations to promote community betterment is really what our credit union philosophy of ‘People Helping People’ is all about. We look forward to watching this project unfold soon.” KTVO

ELGA Credit Union

Congratulations to ELGA CU for raising funds through their annual Ginormous Tent Sale. The total donation came out to $2,500! The money will be helping and supporting Catholic Charities’ three soup kitchens, and counseling programs.

“This annual sale couldn’t happen without the support of ELGA associates and our community volunteers,” said ELGA CEO Karen Church. “It’s truly a miracle to see so many different organizations come together to make this sale happen. This was our fifth sale, and all together we’ve raised more than $85,000 to benefit the programs at Catholic Charities.” The Davison Index

First Basin Credit Union

Caring about their community, the First Basin team was up early to help clean the community around them. They were able to pick up many bags of trash! Way to go #CUfamily!

Thank you for reading this Humanitarian Highlight! Please check out last week’s post, and please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions about our products & services through our email or by phone (800) 537-9598.

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Strength to Overcome

Humanitarian Highlight 8.12.21 This week, our focus for Humanitarian Highlight is on credit unions who are giving their community the streng...