Monday, May 3, 2021

5 Types Found at Credit Union Events

5 Types Found at Credit Union Events
5 Types Found at Credit Union Events

It’s clear that events are a colossal part of the credit union industry. From community credit union outings, local chapter meetings, annual league meetings, national conferences, technology symposiums, and international training events, there always seems to be an event happening in the credit union world. We know there are more than 5 types found at Credit Union Events, but there are some we see at all events.

It’s important to attend events to stay up to date with credit union industry news, regulations, and be aware of challenges other credit unions have faced, and how they have overcome these hurdles. In addition, it is a great opportunity to come together and share ideas with other industry leaders. Events are also a great way to meet with vendors and to learn about new technology that may benefit your credit union by saving time and money, like the credit union forms solutions from Oak Tree Business Systems, Inc. With all the commotion going on, it may be hard to filter out what events are worthwhile and which ones can be skipped. After asking credit union executives, Oak Tree has provided some guidance on how to select an event to attend.

The two biggest factors for deciding what event(s) to attend were the price of the event and the topics covered. Attending any event has a cost associated, so it is important to know ahead of time what budget your credit union has to spend on such events. Not to mention your valuable time out of the office must produce results upon your return to the office. Here is a tip; most credit union events will have scholarships that you might be eligible to procure. So, be sure to read all the event details or ask the event coordinator if they offer any scholarship options. As far as the topics covered, most large events will have an agenda posted prior to the event that will list the overall focus of the meeting, who will be speaking, if sponsors/vendors will be there, and who those sponsors are. This agenda is a great way to gauge if you will truly benefit by attending, as it will let you know if there will be training, hands-on experience with the systems or technology, compliance updates, or networking opportunities.

The date and location of the events are the next factors to keep in mind when determining what event to attend. Travel, hotel, and time spent outside of the office can add extra cost to attending an event. If your budget is small, travel may not be an option. Instead, research your local league or chapter website to see what is happening near you. These websites may also have useful webinar training links available. The length of the event, as well as time of year, is also important to consider. Even a great event may conflict with important deadlines at your credit union. If there is a conflict, there may be other options to still learn about the topics covered, such as downloadable worksheets, the podcast of the event speakers, or even a second date/location of the same event.

Five different types of people at credit union events

  1. The Networker: He or she always has a business card handy and ready. The Networker is on the lookout to meet someone new to engage in an insightful conversation about what is going on around him or her in the credit union industry. 
  2. The #SocialMedia Guru: The Social Media Guru always has their phone handy, taking pictures for social media. He or she is taking advantage of the conference/event hashtags in their social media updates and is sharing photos with their coworkers back home. If the event has an app, he or she definitely has it downloaded and in full use. @OTBS_CUforms 
  3. The Question Asker: He or she is hungry to know more about the topic at hand. They have many questions and are not afraid to ask. The Question Asker came to the event with a purpose, and the purpose is to learn! Nothing is going to stop him or her from inquiring about a question they need to know the answer to.
  4. The Quiet One: He or she is quiet, but this does not mean that they are not fully engaged in what is going on. The Quiet One is silently thinking and absorbing all of the information that is presented to him or her at a conference or event. It will be the quiet one who applies the information back at the office that will positively affect your credit union.
  5. The Booth Visitor: Whether he or she is collecting the free handouts at the booths or trying to learn about new businesses/technology, this person is sure to stop at all and any vendor booth.

What is your biggest state event? Comment to let us know.

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